Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Placemat activity

After meeting with Marla Newton, from the Ministry of Education, I decided to implement some of the strategies she has shared with us. Her intent was to teach us strategies that would help get are level 2 students to level 3.

First Strategy: Place mats.

Description: Have students in mixed ability groups, and pose a higher level question. Each student has a section on a place mat to record their answer. Once time is up, groups are to combine their answers together to come up with one good answer. In order to make students accountable, they are to sign their name in their square.

How does this help students with a learning dissability?
Students get the opportunity to be a part of a group. They benefit from hearing the rest of their groups answers. While theirs may be a basic answer, they can contribute something to the group. They get the experience of what a higher level answer should look like.

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